Sunday, April 27, 2008

Using Link Rolls was first introduced to me by a friend months ago, and I have found it to be an incredible time saver ever since. Did you know you can easily put your links on your googlepages website? (Or your frontpage OR Moodle site?) Here's how:

  • Log into you account.
  • Click on the "help" button in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Under the title "sharing" click: "a guide to sharing bookmarks"
  • Click on the button that says "link rolls"

Now you are ready to decide what kind of links you want shared. For example, let's say that you tag several websites "poetry" and you want all of your poetry links to appear on your website automatically as you tag them.

  • Under "Display Options" select how many links you want to show (I usually want all of them- so I put in 100).
  • Next- give it a title...maybe "My Poetry Links"
  • Notice the right hand side of the screen will show you a preview of what it will look like.
  • Click on the additional options you would like (bullet point, icons, etc.)
  • Click the button that says "Only these tags" and type in the tag you want to share (so in this example I would type: poetry
  • **I recommend you click off the boxes that are marked "show your name" and "add me to your network" buttons, unless you are okay with your students having access to see all of your links.

Once you have made all of your changes, and the preview portion of the screen is too your liking, scroll back to the top of the screen where you will see a box with some code. That is the code you will want to cut and paste into your googlepages html box (or any website/blog you are using with html capabilities).

By doing this you have just saved yourself hours of plugging in each link into your web page. When you stubble upon a great website you want to share with your students all you have to do is tag it in your and it will automatically show up as a link on your class website!